Setting up and using the shader
Import the shader to Unity
First of all, you need to buy the Low Poly Wind Shader if you don’t have it already. After that, download and import it to your Unity project.

Read Documentation.pdf (optional)
Before you start using the Low Poly Wind Shader, read the Documentation.pdf! You can find it inside a folder "Low Poly Wind".

Now watch this Low Poly Wind - Basic Setup tutorial, to learn how to use a shader and tweak the settings. After you have a basic understanding of it, take a look at the next step.
Apply the shader to your material
So if you are using Low Poly Trees Pack, you need to go inside Low Poly Trees Pack/Tree Assets/Material, select Trees material and apply Low Poly / Low Poly Wind shader to it.

Right away you will see that all of the trees in the scene are moving a little. Default settings will look strange, so we need to change them!
Trunk Colors
Here we have 5 Trunk Colors to use. All asset parts that uses these colors will not move. In our case, we need 13 different colors for all of the tree trunks.

Adding new Trunk Colors
To add new colors, you need to edit Low Poly Wind.shader and WindEditor.cs files. Watch this video tutorial: Low Poly Wind – Adding Extra Trunk Colors to learn how to do it. After watching the video, add 8 more colors, 13 in total.
Set all of the colors like that:
- Color E8E8E8FF
- Color C3C3C3FF
- Color 7A7A7AFF
- Color 000000FF
- Color D33323FF
- Color CBB684FF
- Color BD9E68FF
- Color B8916BFF
- Color A57A52FF
- Color B89B6BFF
- Color E1C39FFF
- Color D9B58FFF

Movement tab
Go to the Movement tab and set all of the settings like showed in the image below:

Settings tab
Go to the Settings tab and set all of the settings like showed in the image below:

Color Precision!
To set Color Precision to 0.115 you must edit the Low Poly Wind.shader script and change the default value limit from 0.03 to 1 like showed in the images below:

After that, save the shader and set Color Precision to 0.115.

That’s it! Now all of the Low Poly Trees Pack assets should move like in the video below:
Feel free to tweak all of a Low Poly Wind sahder settings for your liking!
Known issue
Using this method, wind on my tree assets with a snow won’t work correctly! That’s because of a white color used on the trunk and leaves at the same time. So if you use a white Trunk Color(setting) and a Move Trunk(setting), all of the tree parts won’t move the same, and it will look really strange. That’s because leaves use snow(white) and leaves(green) colors.
And if you disable Move Trunk option, all white parts won’t move at all and it will look bad too.
Fix cutting edges
Set Color Precision to 0. Basically the same as not using the Trunk Colors at all, so the whole tree mesh will move the same.

The result is better without cuts between white and green but now the whole tree moves like leaves and it looks really strange.
So this is the limitation of the Low Poly Wind shader using Low Poly Trees Pack!
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